姓名: Dirk Meinert Janssen 性别: Dirk Meinert Janssen
Name: Dirk Meinert Janssen Gender: Male
国籍: 德国(GER) 所在城市: 新加坡
Nationality: Germany Current Residence: Singapore
教育背景: 最高学历:硕士(Master degree)
1990—— University &Courts of Hamburg[law]
1992—— University of Cambridge[L.L.M.]
Education Background: 1990,Law Degree, University & Courts of Hamburg, Germany. 1992,LLM (Cantab),Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, England. 1995, Rechtsanwalt (German lawyer), Courts of Hamburg German. 1996, Solicitor, Supreme Court of England & Wales , London, UK. 2011, Advocate & Solicitor , Supreme Court of Singapore.
工作经历: 2018—— Nordisk法律服务有限公司managing director
2010——2016 Stephenson Harwood
2001——2010 Holman Fenwick Willian
Work Experience: 2018-,Managing Director , Nordisk Defence Club Singapore. 2016-2018, Independent Arbitrator & Mediator, Singapore. 2010-2016, Stephenson Harwood , Singapore. 2001-2010, Holman Fenwick Willan, Singapore. 1995-2000, Ince & Co, London & Singapore. 1994-1994, Drew&Napier, Singapore. 1993-1994, Lebuhn & Puchta , Hamburg, Germany. 1990-1990, Maritime Law Institute, University of Hamburg, Germany.
仲裁相关经历: 仲裁机构名称:LMAA,起止时间——
Arbitration Experience:
专长: 国际货物买卖 海上货物运输、船舶买卖
Expertise: Maritime & Shipping( Carriage of Goods by Sea) International Trade ( Sale of Goods) Ship Sale & Purcase Ship Building & Repair Offshore Energy &Construction Ship Management Marine Insurance International Arbitration & Mediation
其他争议解决经历: 调解经历:i have acted in commercial disputes since 2017, hacing been appointed and conducted mediation references under SMC rules in Singapore
Other Experience:
语言能力: 工作语言:英语(English)、德语(German)
能够使用英语开庭 能够出具英文仲裁书
Language Ability: English,German
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